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The Argonaut:  97 Year Old Tennis Phenomenon

Tennis is a sport for life.  97 year old Leon (Lee) Sanit takes it one step further.  Lee is a Santa Monica Resident and drives to Pearl - Marina del Rey to play tennis 5 days a week at 11:00A.M.  He either takes lessons from the Head Teaching Pro, Rodger Lolley, hits on the ball machine, which he sets up himself, or hits with hitting partners of various ages, who are mostly 20 years his junior.  "This is what drives me to get up. If it wasn't for tennis, I would be just lying around sleeping or doing nothing", says Lee. Even though he has been battling recurring bladder cancer for several years, nothing will keep him from the tennis courts.  

Recenty, when the weather in Los Angeles hit 113 degrees, Lee was not deterred.  He played on the ball machine, when his hitting partner, who was more than half his age wanted to quit. He did pay the price the next few days, becoming sick with pneumonia.  He said his learned his lesson.

Rodger Lolley, Head Pro, says, "I hit the ball as hard as I can to Lee, with heavy topspin. People look at me like I'm some kind of monster trying to blow him offf the court. This is hardly the case. Lee feeds on the power. He loves it. And, oftentimes gives it right back. He frequently laughs and smiles during our rallies." 

One of the driving for Lee to continue tennis with Rodger, is a deal he made with 3 yeaars ago.  Rodger offered Free Lesson for Life when he reaches 100.  Lee says, " I'm going to hold him to it.  I'm looking forward to my free lessons."


Derrick Bauer

"I started taking tennis lessons from Rodger, when I was six years old," says Derrick Bauer.  "He taught me the game that I know have today.  Rodger has what it takes to take you to that level.  My kick serve would not be where it's at today if was not for Rodger.  I became an amazing tennis player - top three junior in the nation consistently through out all of my junior age groups.  I  qualified for the Junior U.S. Open, and won several international tournaments. And, I must say it was thanks to Rodger," says Derrick.

Jonathan Sappaiboon

"Roger, you definitely helped out with my mental toughness a great deal. And, obiviously, you improved my serve," says Jonathan Sappaiboon.  "You taught me how to be consistent with the heavy topspin forehand," he added. (note: Jonathan's highest ranking was no. 14  in the the nation.)

Savannah Yeh

"In the seven years that Rodger Lolley has been my coach, he has helped me develop the solid, consistent game that has allowed me to compete at the Junior USTA and collegiate levels. I don't know of any coach who can push you to be the best you can be in the most positive and caring way.  Rodger is the best," says Savannah Yeh, who will be attending UCLA.

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